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How an Anomic Society a Harmful Threat to a country?

 Anomic Society is known as a society where the standards of conduct and values are virtually absent. Due to such cases, society ends up becoming prey to several issues. Also the people of society are are different because they use various methods to fulfill their respective needs. This is why such societal anomie also leads to a sense of distress and a lack of sense of purpose. Which in turn seeks to threaten a country's legitimacy.

Conditions and Conflicts:

As we have noted in several countries, some anomic societies suffer from routine necessities such as living space or other unsanitary conditions. These include slums, poor residences, etc. Countries like Pakistan and India, where unsanitary issues such as shortage of water, electricity, and dirty water or garbage spilled around are also a factor in the development of an anomic society. Because they are not provided the basic or there is no system of governing an issue. In some cases, conflicts also happen on daily basis in an anomic society. Since there are no cultural values and standards developed, there is no way to resolve these conflicts.

Natural Areas of Crime

Anomic society, aside from these, is also a natural environment for crimes such as graffiti, drug abuse, arms trafficking, etc. In many countries, the criminals use anomic society as headquarters to operate in disguise. Even the residents such as juveniles or teenagers, happen to do business with these criminals to earn money by illegal methods. which in turn leads to the theme becoming one of them. This is due to there being no proper values or norms to govern a society. Criminals often escape from one society to another and remove all of their records from society. Crimes such as homicide and burglary also happen in public with members of the society taking no proper action.

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Abuse of Order

Abuse of Order is yet another element of an anomic society, as Durkheim noted, he has given an example of Greek Philosopher Socrates. Seen as a criminal for spreading the values to the society which they believed to maintain ethical behavior. People often abuse the order by manipulating the members of a society to follow the norms they have set up. Which people follow without even knowing whether these norms ensure social order. They end up falling for those mediocre values which in turn causes conflicts or various harmful events in society.


As the information provided below, states the reasons an anomic society is a threat for a country. With societal issues not resolved or norms not developed, society can turn rebellious. Which in turn becomes a natural headquarters for various crimes. The norms are also abused and manipulated by the members of society. As this chain continues, a country's development might have a reverse effect due to the presence of anomic societies. Which is also a cause of daily deaths and increasing crime rates or alcohol consumptions.


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