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Is Planet Earth Due For a Space War?

 Are we nearing a post-apocalyptic world? Are we headed towards a possible Space Wars? the question that is not only on my mind but on ours. The recent events has seen some space missions or an object dropping from the space onto our planet or countries trying to colonize other planets. Does this means that a war in space is going to happen? weird, huh? Sometimes I believe that the world might become part of their own fantasy in the real life sooner or later. Don't you believe it?

For the past few decades, the humans have been on the verge of knowing the secrets of the universe. Ever since the man walked on the moon, he pushed himself to walk on other planets and make them his own or their own. Are we talking about man or the countries bearing flags? Cause' recently, Russia asserted that Venus, a planet near Earth, is theirs to colonize, while the U.S is busy in colonizing Mars and China is busy building it's own territory in space. So What's Next? Which country will assert the remaining planets as their own? The glaciers are melting and the green house emission is on a dominant display and the world telling to plant more trees, how can planting trees can save them from the inevitable or stop them from entering the fiction for real?

These events gives me a feeling that a space war is going to take place in the near future. Looks weird, right? They are set bring us to a world we only seen on Movies and Cartoons. I mean it, just take a look at them it feel's like they are gonna turn our world into a fiction that we already been watching our whole lives. Feel's like Star Wars or Star Trek getting real at this point or the Simpsons turning the fiction into a fact. Is the world about to adhere to it's own fictional creations? Are we set to be a part of the world like Mad Max or Terminator? Tell me I didn't just see that coming.

What do we expect? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below?

Zuhaib Shah


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