Is Power Free for all of Us? This is just another question that raise's for the freedom. Does Power makes us free to fulfill our desires? does it turns us into a genie that gives us freedom to fulfill our wishes? Power, as believed by many people, is a something that enables us to enjoy our freedom or the will to move freely. Does power really set us free? Its just hard to tell.
First rule of power, it sets us free to be ourselves, but sometimes people are so consumed by power so badly that they believe they are free to do anything, even dismissing the ones they care about. Take it from me, its like an alcohol that you just consumed and just got lost in your fantasy, a fantasy so addictive that once spread over your head, it never gets out. Hence power is an addiction to causes us to believe we are free to make any kind choice no matter what the others have to say, you got to be kidding me, man.
Did you ever had a feeling that a guy consumed by power has dispatched you from your life? Yes, this happens very often. The powerful is free to do so much that this belief drives them mad. In a way that his loved becomes nothing more than invisible spirits that he does not give a damn about anymore, sometimes even betraying the ones who trusts you. He worships his power and sees them like they are some nobody, they heinously abandon them from a place where he once was. Wake up, Man, don't you think power has turned you into an animal that you never expected to be? always chewing and spitting out everything, what will have in the end? have you forgotten your humanity, your childhood, your family?
Now this is the part where the powerful begin thinking that he is immortal, often believing that he is a stranger to death, Are you that delusional? Have you forgot that death is a reality nobody in the world can escape? I mean, come on, man. Has power freed you or the word freedom broought you towards your own delusions? Have you ever seen ghosts resurfacing in your life, haunting you?
Also Read: Does Freedom has it's Benefits?
Has power really freed us from our hardships or made us forget about our spiritual self? Are you not afraid of the fact that you will end up losing all of the power, all of the freedom in just a snap of a finger? 'cause all of this will disappear in the blink of an eye. Everything in this world finishes, nothing lasts forever.
Don't worry about me, just let me know what you think in the comment box.
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